Bankruptcy risk of regular container carriers and profitability check for each carrier
2023.05.02 by Adrian909
Introduction of container ships ③ Top 20 shipping company rankings, tonnage capacity by shipping company, centering on the trend of large size
2023.03.02 by Adrian909
Introduction of container ships ② Focusing on SCFI index, trade volume between routes, and Alliance
2023.02.23 by Adrian909
Introduction of container ships ① Focusing on cargo flow, terminal facilities, and port traffic handling status
2023.02.17 by Adrian909
Comparison of Representative Ocean Freight Index Characteristics
2022.12.15 by Adrian909
Container ship Schedule Reliability
2022.11.11 by Adrian909
Falling container spot rates(SCFI) and blank sailing
2022.11.08 by Adrian909
Mid- to long-term container market outlook
2022.11.02 by Adrian909