
Check of export/import volume by Ocean/Air major item

Adrian909 2022. 11. 25. 09:30

1.     Ocean

1)    China Exports to the US (Unit : Billion USD)

Among the sea freight volumes exported from China to the US, all four major items increased sharply compared to the average of the last three years. The ranking is Appliance, Household, Industrial, and Clothing/Textile.

2)     China Exports to the EU&UK (Unit : Billion USD)

Among the sea freight volume exported from China to the EU/UK, the export of clothing among the four main items decreased from 2013 to 2015, but the other three items increased rapidly, just like the United States. In order of export, Appliance, Industrial, Household, and Clothing/Textile are in the order.

2.     Air

1)    TOP 5 US Imports AIRFREIGHT COMMODITIES in 2022 (Units : ,000 Tones)

Let's take a look at the five major US air imports as of the last six months in 2022. In order, it can be seen that Electrical, Machinery, Fish and Seafood, Live Trees, and Optical/Medical Instruments are in that order. Among them, Electrical Machinery has the highest growth rate (29% YoY), followed by Live Tress (13% YoY).

2)    TOP 5 US Exports AIRFREIGHT COMMODITIES in 2022 (Units : ,000 Tones)

Let's take a look at the five major U.S. air exports as of the last six months in 2022. In order, it can be seen that Machinery, Electrical, Plastics, Optical/Medical Instruments, Iron and Steel Products are in that order. Among them, it can be seen that the export volume of plastics (-4% YoY) is decreasing, while the machinery industry is showing a sharp increase recently (20% YoY).
